In English

Welcome to my website!

My name is Reijo Mantsinen and I live in Joensuu, Finland. I was born in 1986. I am a Christian, what guides my life and my choices. I have completed three degrees with electronics, electricity and media. I have also designed some QSL cards (with no payment) for other radioamateurs and clubs.

My hobbies are amateur radio, electronics, music, photography and geocaching. I also like to move around in nature. I have been playing guitar since childhood. I also tried some other instruments along the way. I took my amateur radio exam when I turned 15 years old. I have also been active in different kind of associations.

On these pages you will find information about me and my hobbies. I have written some content in Finnish, but also some parts in English for other hobbyists. Especially those dealing with amateur radio and electronics. So take a look to my station info, dxcc listing, qsl cards, etc.

You can also follow me on Instagram ( @reijoma ) and X